Radiant Passage
Loren Arienne Uecker, MDiv., Minister
Counseling & Healing at Life's Thresholds
" I have wrestled with the angel and I am stained with light and
I have no shame..."
~Mary Oliver
I am delighted to explore how my work might offer connection and support for you. In service of this, I’d love to share a few landmarks along my path which may further awaken your sense of how I might serve you…
I have always been someone who has straddled the worlds of the numinous and the embodied, the worlds of spirit and the psyche, respectively. This call to seek a balanced relationship between these dimensions of our humanness, inspired me toward decades of simultaneous study in psychological models alongside deep spiritual practice and inquiry. As a hospice spiritual counselor and end-of-life midwife, I spent 20 years serving the intersection of body & spirit that arises when we die, as well as the psychological & spiritual preparation that this transformation requires. The past 5 years, my work has shifted to orbit, instead, around the death to rebirth cycles that are embedded in our life, often in the form of life-changing events or crises. These inevitable losses, changes and transitions, invite a healing journey from an old sense of self to a new one, and thus awaken old dimensions of our life-experience (wounds, patterns, beliefs) to arise in a new way for attention and healing. These times of change also naturally awaken deep questions about meaning, our purpose & path, and a longing for connection to something larger.
How can we meet these pivotal moments in our life-journey with equal presence to both the wounds of ‘who we’ve been’ and the opening to ‘who we are becoming’, often informed by deepened connection to an inner and outer source of being? How can healing move us gently from familiar contractions at physical, emotional & spiritual levels, to greater physical, emotional & spiritual expansion and interconnection to what lies within and beyond our sense of life & self?
If you feel curious with me about these questions and about this way of approaching the healing-journey, I invite you to keep learning about my work through exploring this site, and to reach out and share your interest with me, directly. I work with in-person and vitual clients, alike, so don't hesitate to contact me if you are at a distance.
Warmly bowing,
Tending the Psyche & Spirit
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Contact Loren
I would be honored to support your healing-journey
I work with in-person and vitual clients, alike, so don't hesitate to contact me if you are at a distance
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